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Tanon's Web Page

Spaniel / Mixed

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About Tanon

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Current Age: 1 Year 3 Months (best estimate)

Aniak (Ani)
Ani is the calmest and sweetest in the bunch. She loves to snuggle and is very quiet but also knows how to play. She is always doing her own thing and does not always follow the pack. She loves our older dogs and likes to kiss on them. She is the smallest and won’t be as big as some of her brothers and sisters. 

Kobuk is the most adventurous pup in the pack. He loves to be outside. Always the first one outside and last one inside. He likes to hide and hoard his toys as a game. He will get in your lap after you gain some respect from him. 

Tana is probably the biggest puppy in the pack. She is so sweet and loves her humans. She is wicked smart and lead the pack to what they need to be doing. She is on the quieter side even with her leadership skills. She has been the quickest to potty train. 

This is Tana’s best friend and she is very shy but also loves humans and her older foster siblings. She is quiet but let’s you know exactly what she needs. Also, very playful and likes to be where the other puppies are.

Su is her own soul and beats to her own drum. She will often be alone playing and mostly seeks out the older dogs or her humans. She has almost curly hair and her eyes will stare into your soul. Like Kobuk, she also loves to be outside playing the snow. 

Yukon is our sleepy puppy. He loves to nap and snuggle in your lap. He seeks to be picked up and wants to give you kisses. He is a strong leader and let’s his sibling know when it’s time to calm down. He is a great eater and also been so good about doing his business outside. 

Kenai is the first puppy in your lap whether you are on the ground or on the couch. He wants to be held and petted at all time but then is ready to go play when a ball is thrown or treats come out. He has been good at coming when called. 

Taku is such a spunky puppy. Always doing her own thing and wants to be playing at all times. She has a big personality and seems very smart. She loves to play with the older dogs with chew toys and chasing balls together.

Please note: All dogs are expected to attend our next adoption event, however sometimes life gets in the way. We encourage you to attend our next event to inquire about meeting or adopting any dog listed on our site or email us to request a meeting outside of an event.